TIAN Beverage conceptualized during the COVID-19 Pandemic when our wellbeing, safety, and ability to provide for ourselves and our families were challenged beyond imagination. Our beloved Las Vegas market is vibrant, resilient, and multifaceted; the food and beverage industry will need a dedicated, focused, and experienced boutique distributor to help execute specific goals as one cohesive team. We have arrived… formulating the premier Asian beverage portfolio showcasing sake, awamori, shochu, baijiu, and soju all while teaming up with friends and family within the categories of wine, craft beer, and spirits respectively.
With 20 plus years of hospitality, food & beverage service, management, and beverage distribution experience I have learned from the absolute best in the business of hospitality service, distribution, and beverage education. My father Manh is a retired Chef and mastered his craft in Las Vegas, lets just say we always ate well! I promise you are in careful hands and you will have the full support of our team. Please consider what TIAN Beverage Distributor has to offer to compliment your business needs. We vow to challenge creativity, generate amenities, educate, nurture relationships, and have a good time. We are #VegasStrong and we are here to stay. Lace em’ up… lets go!
Kanpai, Ganbei, Cheers.
- Aaron Diec and TIAN Beverage Family
Special thanks to Sifu Lance Brazil, Mat Ferrer, David Valenzuela, Caitlin Lozoya, Sachiko Merse, Aaron Ortega, Ezechiel Ortega, Harvey Polintan, and Michael Buenavista and the Lohan School of Shaolin.
©2021 Tian Beverage Distributor